More i gitare: Petar Čulić – koncert|Sea and Guitars: Petar Čulić – Concert


Vrijeme: 16. srp­nja 2009.
Mjesto: Bazilika sv. Marije od Mora
Organizator: TZ Vrsar

Time: the 16th of July, 2009

Place: St. Mary of the Sea Basilica

Organization: Tourist Association of Vrsar

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Culic_2m-1U čet­vr­tak 16. srp­nja u 21 sat,  unu­tar Bazilike sv. Marije od Mora, kon­cert na gita­ri odr­žat će Petar Čulić, mla­di hrvat­ski glaz­be­nik iz Dugog Rata.

Čulić je zavr­šio stu­dij gita­re na “Umjetničkoj aka­de­mi­ji” u Splitu, te je upi­sao pos­t­di­plom­ski stu­dij gita­re na  pres­tiž­noj “Gitarističkoj aka­de­mi­ji” u Koblenzu.

On the 16th of July 2009 at 9 p.m. the St. Mary of the Sea Basilica will host the guitar con­cert of Petar Čulić, a young Croatian musi­ci­an from Dugi Rat. Čulić has gra­du­ated from the Academy of Arts in Split and con­ti­nu­ed his edu­ca­ti­on at the post-gra­du­ate study at the Guitar Academy in Koblenz.

Prvi je gita­rist u povi­jes­ti aka­de­mi­je koji nije morao čeka­ti rezul­ta­te pri­jem­nog ispi­ta. „Čim sam odsvi­rao, rek­li su mi da su odu­šev­lje­ni te da mi je zajam­če­no mjes­to u kla­si pro­fe­so­ra Käppela bez obzi­ra na osta­le kan­di­da­te koji još nisu ni oba­vi­li svo­ju audi­ci­ju…“ – rekao je Petar Čulić.
Do sada je odr­žao više od pede­se­tak samos­tal­nih kon­ce­ra­ta, sudje­lo­vao je na mno­gim semi­na­ri­ma istak­nu­tih gita­ris­tič­kih peda­go­ga, a bavi se i skla­da­njem. Dobitnik je dva­de­set nagra­da, od prvog do tre­ćeg mjes­ta, koje je osvo­jio na doma­ćim i među­na­rod­nim glaz­be­nim natjecanjima.
Osim toga, 2010. godi­ne, svi­rat će kao solist s „Rheinische Philharmonie“ naj­poz­na­ti­ji gita­ris­tič­ki kon­cert “Aranjuez” J. Rodriga.
U Vrsaru nas­tu­pa u sklo­pu ljet­nog glaz­be­nog fes­ti­va­la „More i gita­re – gita­ris­tič­kog vir­tu­oza Saše Dejanovića i pri­ja­te­lja“, ute­me­lje­nog 2003. godi­ne. (I.R.)

He is the first guita­rist in his­tory of the aca­demy who did­n’t have to wait for the resul­ts of the entry exam. «As soon as I had fini­shed playing, they said they were overwhel­med and that I was accep­ted to the class of pro­fe­ssor Kappel, in face of the fact that the other can­di­da­tes haven’t even per­for­med yet.» – said Petar Čulić.

He has put on more than 50 solo con­certs, par­ti­ci­pa­ted in many semi­nars led by the dis­tin­gu­ished guitar peda­go­gu­es and has also wor­ked as a com­po­ser. In addi­ti­on, he has won 20 awar­ds for 1st, 2nd and 3rd pla­ces at Croatian and inter­na­ti­onal competitions.

Beside that, he will also per­form as a solo­ist with the Rheinische Philharmonie and pre­sent the most famo­us guitar con­cert «Aranjuez» by J. Rodrigo in 2010.

In Vrsar he will per­form wit­hin the con­text of the sum­mer fes­ti­val «Sea and guitars-by the guitar vir­tu­oso Saša Dejanović and fri­en­ds» foun­ded in 2003.