Četiri elementa – jedna ljubav / izložba u Puli|Four Elements – One Love – Exhibition in Pula|Quattro elementi – un amore /mostra a Pola


Vrijeme: od 14. do 15. kolo­vo­za 2009.

Mjesto: Metamedija Klub, Karlo Rojc, Pula

Organizator: Udruga Metamedij, Udruga Element

Time: 14th – 15th of August, 2009

Place: Metamedia Club, Karlo Rojc Barracks, Pula

Organization: Metamedij Association, Element Association

Data: 14 e 15 agos­to 2009

Luogo: Metamedija Club, Karlo Rojc, Pola

Organizzatore: Associazione Metamedij, Associazione Element

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Dancer__by_matteaphotographyU sklo­pu «Media Mediterranea» Festivala, 14. kolo­vo­za s počet­kom u 19 sati u «Metamedija Klubu» (K. Rojc – Pula) odr­žat će se otva­ra­nje izlož­be digi­tal­nih foto­gra­fi­ja «Četiri ele­men­ta – jed­na lju­bav» mla­de pul­ske auto­ri­ce Mateje Pavić.

On the 14th of August at 7 p.m. the “Metamedia Club” (Karlo Rojc Barracks) in Pula will host the ope­ning of the exhi­bi­ti­on of digi­tal pho­to­grap­hs titled «Four Elements – One Love» by Mateja Pavić, young aut­hor from Pula.

Nell’ambito del «Media Mediterranea» Festival, il 14 agos­to alle ore 19, al «Metamedija Club» (K. Rojc – Pola)sarà aper­ta la mos­tra di foto­gra­fia digi­ta­le «Quattro ele­men­ti – un amo­re» del­la giova­ne artis­ta pole­se Matea Pavić.

Kroz foto­graf­ske opi­se bit će pred­stav­lje­na četi­ri ele­men­ta hip-hop kul­tu­re: MC-ing., DJ-ing., graf­fi­ti i breakdance/B‑boying.

«Hip-hop» potje­če iz Amerike gdje se razvio među Afroamerikancima, Jamajkancima i Portorikancima u New Yorku (Bronx) sedam­de­se­tih godi­na proš­lo­ga stoljeća.

Ljubav pre­ma foto­gra­fi­ji Matea je osje­ti­la u dru­gom raz­re­du sred­nje ško­le te se ota­da posve­ti­la Street_dance__by_matteaphotographypro­uča­va­nju iste. Sve što zna o foto­gra­fi­ji sama je naučila. 

«Bitno je da foto­gra­fi­ja svo­jom lje­po­tom pri­zo­ve u čovje­ku bogat­stvo živo­ta, lju­bav, pošto­va­nje pre­ma boja­ma svi­je­ta što ga je stvo­rio Bog, misa­onu dubi­nu i vje­ru. Nije bit­no tko je fotograf…Ako dois­ta nešto želiš i voliš, uspjet ćeš u tome.» – o svo­me radu kaže Matea.

Izložba je otvo­re­na 14. i 15. kolo­vo­za, a može se pogle­da­ti od 19 do 23 sata. (I. R.)

The pho­to­grap­hs cap­tu­red the four ele­ments of the hip-hop cul­tu­re: MC-ing, DJ-ing, graf­fi­ti and breakdance/B‑boying.

Hip-hop was born in the USA and was deve­lo­ped by the African Americans, Jamaicans and Portoricans in New York (Bronx) in the 1970s.

Mateja Pavić star­ted to enga­ge in pho­to­grap­hy when she was 16 and sin­ce then she has been explo­ring this bran­ch of artis­tic expre­ssi­on. She is a self-taug­ht photographer.

«It is impor­tant that the pho­to­graph attrac­ts a per­son with its beauty. It sho­uld invo­ke the ric­h­ness of life, love, res­pect toward this color­ful wor­ld cre­ated by God, reflec­ti­ve dep­th and faith. It does­n’t mat­ter who the pho­to­grap­her is..If you truly love what you do, you will suc­ce­ed.» – says Matea abo­ut her work.

The exhi­bi­ti­on is open on the 14th and 15th of August, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Le foto­gra­fie pre­sen­te­ran­no i quat­tro ele­men­ti del’Hip-hop: MC-ing., DJ-ing., graf­fi­ti e breakdance/B‑boying.

Matea si è inte­re­ssa­ta alla foto­gra­fia men­tre frequ­en­ta­va la secon­da cla­sse del­le scu­ole medie supe­ri­ori. Tutto quel­lo che da allo­ra ha impa­ra­to sul­la foto­gra­fia, lo ha impa­ra­to da sola. 

La mos­tra sarà aper­ta i gior­ni 14e 15 agos­to, dal­le ore 19 alle 23.