Igra interaktivnim instalacijama na otvorenju Media Mediterranea Festivala|Interactive Installations at the Media Mediterranea Festival


Vrijeme: 11. kolo­vo­za 2009.

Mjesto: ex Galerija Milotić, Trg Forum, Pula

Organizator: Udruga Metamedij

Time: the 11th of August, 2009

Place: for­mer Milotić Gallery, Forum Square, Pula

Organization: Metamedij Association

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IMAG0211Sinoć je u pros­to­ru biv­še gale­ri­je «Milotić» (bli­zu Foruma) sve­ča­no otvo­re­na izlož­ba novih pro­je­ka­ta gru­pe diplo­mi­ra­nih dizaj­ne­ra i stu­de­na­ta inte­rak­tiv­nog dizaj­na iz Venecije («RandomClaping»), pod nazi­vom «Streets of Interaction».

Last nig­ht the for­mer Milotić Gallery hos­ted the grand ope­ning of the exhi­bi­ti­on «Streets of Interaction», pro­ject ide­ated by «RandomClapping», gro­up of desig­ners and stu­dents of inte­rac­ti­ve design from Venice.

Predstavljeno je pet zanim­lji­vih inte­rak­tiv­nih ins­ta­la­ci­ja koje su okup­lje­ni s užit­kom isprobavali.

Pri tome, tre­ba izdvo­ji­ti pro­jekt «Eureka!» koji je naj­vi­še zaoku­pio pozor­nost jav­nos­ti, oso­bi­to dje­ce. Tri «toil­let­te» školj­ke, pos­tav­lje­ne su na pul­skom Forumu i ponu­đe­ne na «kori­šte­nje».

IMAG0222Bile su pove­za­ne žica­ma s pro­jek­to­rom te sva­ki puta kada bi net­ko sjeo na njih, pro­izvo­di­le su zvu­ko­ve i obli­ke u raz­li­či­tim boja­ma koji su se isto­vre­me­no pri­ka­zi­va­li na zidu/ekranu.

Pokušaj je to repro­duk­ci­je naše psi­ho­lo­ške stvar­nos­ti, jer doka­za­no je, naime, da se intu­ici­ja, ide­je i spoz­na­je naj­bo­lje mani­fes­ti­ra­ju onda kada smo najopušteniji…odnosno, na wc –u.baloni

Na samom ula­zu u Galeriju, publi­ka je zajed­nič­ki sudje­lo­va­la u «Digital wal­kin­gu», pri koje­mu su naše kret­nje bilje­že­ne web kame­rom uz isto­vre­me­no pro­ji­ci­ra­nje na zidu.

Mogućnosti za igru i istra­ži­va­nje pru­ži­li su nam i auto­ri «Klingeloona», inte­rak­tiv­ne oko­li­ne s mnoš­tvom bije­lih balo­na, koji pro­izvo­de raz­li­či­te zvukove.

IMAG0216Predstavljen je i pro­jekt «VThreads» pri koje­mu su okup­lje­ni stva­ra­li svo­je osob­ne ver­zi­je pred­stav­lje­nih sni­ma­ka i pri­če, te «Otto», koris­ni elek­tro­nič­ki (glaz­be­ni) ins­tru­ment koji glaz­be­ni­ku «omo­gu­ća­va mani­pu­la­ci­ju zvuč­nih sem­plo­va u real­nom vre­me­nu koris­te­ći se ogra­ni­če­nim bro­jem jed­nos­tav­nih uprav­lja­ča» – piše u katalogu.

Izložbom sku­pi­ne «RandomClaping» (Pamela Moscarda, Benito Condemi de Felice, Giovanna Nicosia, Matteo Caberlotto, Luca de Rosso, Francesco Fraioli, Marco Zamarato, Maria Chiara Tonchic, Alberto Moro, Nicola Plaisant, Davide Cocchi i Claudia de Angelis), ujed­no je otvo­ren ovo­go­diš­nji 11. «Media Mediterranea Festival.

Uvodni govor odr­ža­li su Marino Jurcan (koor­di­na­tor fes­ti­va­la), Pamela Moscarda (inte­rak­tiv­na dizajnerica/Italija) i Luca de Rosso (inte­rak­tiv­ni dizaj­ner i dizaj­ner proizvoda/Italija).

Svi zain­te­re­si­ra­ni mogu posje­ti­ti izlož­bu do 14. kolo­vo­za, sva­ki dan od 20 do 23 sata. (I. R.)

On this occa­si­on the audi­en­ce was pre­sen­ted with five inte­res­ting inte­rac­ti­ve ins­tal­la­ti­ons. Among other pro­jec­ts, the «Eureka!» ins­tal­la­ti­on attrac­ted most atten­ti­on; the three toilet bowls were situ­ated in the midd­le of the squ­are and people were invi­ted to «use» them. The bowls were con­nec­ted elec­tro­ni­cal­ly to the pro­jec­tor and sound spe­akers. Every time a per­son sat on them, the bowls pro­du­ced soun­ds and pro­jec­ti­ons on the wall/screen of dif­fe­rent for­ms and colors. The pro­ject tri­ed to repro­du­ce our psyc­ho­lo­gi­cal reality. The sci­en­ce con­fir­med the hypot­he­sis that best ide­as are con­ce­ived when one is relaxed, that is, whi­le sit­ting on a toilet bowl.

At the gal­lery entran­ce, visi­tors par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the «Digital Walking» pro­ject, which cap­tu­res human move­ments using a web came­ra and pro­jec­ts them onto the wall.

Authors of the «Klingeloon» have also pro­vi­ded the audi­en­ce with the oppor­tu­nity to explo­re and have fun. The pro­ject is actu­al­ly an inte­rac­ti­ve sur­ro­un­ding con­sis­ting of nume­ro­us whi­te bal­lons, which pro­du­ce vari­ous sounds.

Within the fra­mework of the exhi­bi­ti­on two more pro­jec­ts were pre­sen­ted: «Vthreads», which ena­bled the visi­tors to cre­ate the­ir own ver­si­ons of pic­tu­res and sto­ri­es, and «Otto», a use­ful musi­cal ins­tru­ment which «ena­bles mani­pu­la­ti­on of sound sam­ples in real time using few sim­ple con­trols.» – says the catalogue.

This exhi­bi­ti­on by the «RandomClapping» gro­up (Pamela Moscarda, Benito Condemi de Felice, Giovanna Nicosia, Matteo Caberlotto, Luca de Rosso, Francesco Fraioli, Marco Zamarato, Maria Chiara Tonchic, Alberto Moro, Nicola Plaisant, Davide Cocchi i Claudia de Angelis) mar­ked the ope­ning of the 11th «Media Mediterranea Festival». The intro­duc­tory spe­ech was deli­ve­red by Marino Jurcan (fes­ti­val coor­di­na­tor), Pamela Moscarda (inte­rac­ti­ve desig­ner) and Luca de Rosso (inte­rac­ti­ve designer).

The exhi­bi­ti­on is on view until the 14th of August, every day from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.