Kazališna predstava “Sumnja” u Poreču|«Doubt» – theatrical performance in Poreč|Rappresentazione teatrale “Il dubbio” a Parenzo


Vrijeme: 22. lis­to­pad 2009.

Mjesto: Kazalište Pučkog otvo­re­nog uči­li­šta Poreč, Poreč

Organizator: Pučko otvo­re­no uči­li­šte Poreč

Time: the 22nd of October, 2009

Place: Theatre of the Poreč Open University, Poreč

Organization: Poreč Open University

Data: 22 otto­bre 2009

Luogo: Teatro dell’Università popo­la­re aper­ta di Parenzo

Organizzatore: Università popo­la­re aper­ta di Parenzo

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Sumnja POU PorecU kaza­li­štu Pučkog otvo­re­nog uči­li­šta Poreč nas­tav­lja se kaza­liš­na sezo­na za 2009. godi­nu. Tako će u čet­vr­tak 22. lis­to­pa­da, s počet­kom u 20:00 sati, pri­vat­no kaza­li­šte Planet Art odr­ža­ti svo­ju kaza­liš­nu pred­sta­vu “Sumnja”.

Within the fra­mework of the ongo­ing the­atri­cal season 2009, the Theatre of the Poreč Open University will host mem­bers of the Planet Art pri­va­te the­atre. On Thursday, the 22nd of October, at 8 p.m. they will sta­ge the­ir play «Doubt».

Giovedì, 22 otto­bre, alle ore 20, al teatro dell’Università popo­la­re aper­ta di Parenzo, il teatro pri­va­to Planet Art si esi­birà nel­la rap­pre­sen­ta­zi­one teatra­le “Il dubbio”.

Radi se o pred­sta­vi koja je nas­ta­la pre­ma tek­s­tu oska­rov­ca Johna Patricka Shanleya, kojom Planet Art po prvi put u hrvat­sko kaza­li­šte uvo­di temu pedo­fi­li­je u crk­vi. Ova Shanleyeva dra­ma nagra­đe­na je 2005. godi­ne Tonyjem i Pulitzerom. 

“Sumnjajući da isko­ri­šta­va crnog uče­ni­ka, čas­na ses­tra Alojzija suprot­stav­lja se mla­dom sve­će­ni­ku Flynnu koji dola­zi u župu. Autoritetom rav­na­te­lji­ce kato­lič­ke ško­le pos­tav­lja se na sve­će­ni­ka i pro­fe­so­ra u ško­li doživ­lje­nog kao moral­na ver­ti­ka­la zajed­ni­ce u Bronxu 1964. godine.”

Autor: John Patrick Shanley

Redatelj: Marko Torjanac


Otac Brendan Flynn: Robert Kurbaša

Sestra Alojzija Beauvier: Slavica Knežević

Sestra James: Anastasija Jankovska

Gospođa Muller: Nancy Abdel Sakhi

The play, which is based on the text by the Oscar win­ning aut­hor John Patrick Shanley, intro­du­ces into Croatian the­atres the subject of pedop­hi­lia in chur­ch. In 2005 this Shanley’s play won two renowned awar­ds: the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize.

«Because of her sus­pi­ci­ons that he abu­ses a black stu­dent, sis­ter Alojzija stan­ds up aga­inst Flynn, young pri­est who has come to the parish. She uses her aut­ho­rity as the head of the cat­ho­lic scho­ol in order to defy the pri­est and pro­fe­ssor, per­son per­ce­ived as a role model in the Bronx soci­ety in 1964.»

Author: John Patrick Shanley

Director: Marko Torjanac


Father Brendan Flynn: Robert Kurbaša

Sister Alojzija Beauvier: Slavica Knežević

Sister James: Anastasija Jankovska

Mrs Muller: Nancy Abdel Sakhi

Si trat­ta di una rap­pre­sen­ta­zi­one basa­ta sul tes­to di John Patrick Shanley. Mettendola in sce­na, il teatro Planet Art por­ta per la pri­ma vol­ta nei teatri cro­ati il tema del­la pedo­fi­lia pre­sen­te nel­la chi­esa. Nel 2005, ques­to dram­ma è sta­to pre­mi­ato con i pre­mi Tony e Pulitzer.

Sospettando che il giova­ne padre Flynn sfrut­ta­sse un alun­no nero, suor Aloysius gli si oppo­ne. Con l’autorità del­la diret­tri­ce del­la scu­ola cat­to­li­ca si rap­por­ta con il pre­te e pro­fe­sso­re del­la scu­ola, ruolo vis­to come ver­ti­ca­le mora­le del­la soci­età del Bronx del 1964.

Autore: John Patrick Shanley

Regista: Marko Torjanac


Padre Brendan Flynn: Robert Kurbaša

Suor Aloysius Beauvier: Slavica Knežević

Suor James: Anastasija Jankovska

Signora Muller: Nancy Abdel Sakhi