Otkazana predstava “Zečja rupa”|The performance of the play “The Rabbit Hole” is cancelled|Viene sospeso lo spettacolo „La tana del coniglio”


imagesGostujuća pred­sta­va Planet Arta iz Zagreba, “Zečja rupa”, naj­av­lje­na za 18. stu­de­no­ga 2009., se NEĆE odr­ža­ti. Predstava se otka­zu­je zbog boles­ti glu­mi­ce, kako nam jav­lja­ju iz INK.

The per­for­man­ce of the play “The Rabbit Hole” (Planet Art from Zagreb), which was sche­du­led for the 18th of November, is can­cel­led. According to the Istrian National Theatre, the play will not be sta­ged beca­use of heal­th pro­blems of the actress. 

L’allestimento del­lo spet­ta­co­lo „La tana del coni­glio”, inter­pre­ta­to dal­la com­pag­nia teatra­le Planet Art di Zagabria, la cui rap­pre­sen­ta­zi­one è sta­ta pro­gram­ma­ta per il gior­no 18 novem­bre 2009, è sta­to sospeso.

Secondo quan­to è sta­to comu­ni­ca­to dal Teatro popo­la­re istri­ano, lo spet­ta­co­lo è sta­to sos­pe­so a causa del­la malat­tia dell’attrice.