Bojan Šumonja izlaže u New Orleansu|Bojan Šumonja exhibits in New Orleans|Esposizione del lavoro di Bojan Šumonja a New Orleans


Vrijeme: od 12. pro­sin­ca 2009. do 10. siječ­nja 2010.
Mjesto: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (SAD)
Organizator: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (SAD)

Time: from December 12, 2009 to January 10, 2010

Place: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (USA)

Organization: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (USA)

Data: dal 12 dicem­bre 2009 al 10 gen­na­io 2010

Luogo: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (USA)

Organizzatore: Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (USA)


Rad pul­skog umjet­ni­ka Bojana Šumonje pred­stav­ljen je na skup­noj izlož­bi nazva­noj “The flag”/”Zastava”, koja je od 12. pro­sin­ca 2009. pa sve do 10. siječ­nja 2010. otvo­re­na u Good Chilldren gale­ri­ji u New Orleansu (SAD).
Ova se izlož­ba bavi umjet­ni­ko­vom upo­tre­bom držav­nih sim­bo­la, pose­bi­ce zas­ta­ve, nagla­sio je kus­tos izlož­be Rajko Radovanović. Ideja jest suoči­ti raz­li­či­te pogle­de i osob­ne sta­vo­ve o neče­mu tako ‘sve­to­me’ poput zas­ta­ve, kao i suoči­ti rado­ve iz raz­li­či­tih kul­tu­ra i ishodista.
Osim Bojana Šumonje i Rajka Radovanovića, na izlož­bi se mogu pogle­da­ti dje­la Z. Behla, Dereka Boshiera, Mel China, Srđana Lončara, Generic Art Solutiona, Adriana Pricea, Minke Stoyanove, Lale Raščić, Siobhana Feehana, Christy Rupp, Chrisa Sauceda, Roberta Hannanta i Dana Taguea.

One of the  wor­ks by Bojan Šumonja, the artist from Pula, has been pre­sen­ted wit­hin the fra­mework of the joint exhi­bi­ti­on titled „The Flag“, which is sta­ged from the 12th of December to the 10th of January at the Good Children Gallery in New Orleans (USA).

This exhi­bi­ti­on deals with the artis­tic use of sta­te sym­bols, espe­ci­al­ly the flag, sta­ted Rajko Radovanović, the cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on. The idea is to con­front dif­fe­rent views and per­so­nal stan­din­gs on somet­hing so „sacred“ as the flag, and to con­front wor­ks from dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res. Beside the wor­ks by Bojan Šumonja and Rajko Radovanović, the exhi­bi­ti­on inclu­des wor­ks by Z. Behl, Derek Boshier, Mel Chino, Srđan Lončar, Generic Art Solution, Adrian Price, Minka Stoyanova, Lale Raščić, Siobhan Feehan, Christy Rupp, Chris Sauced, Robert Hannant and Dan Tague.

Uno dei lavo­ri dell’artista pole­se Bojan Šumonja è sta­to pre­sen­ta­to alla mos­tra col­let­ti­va “The flag” (“La ban­di­era”), che si ter­rà dal 12 dicem­bre 2009 al 10 gen­na­io 2010 alla Good Children Gallery di New Orleans (USA).

La mos­tra trat­ta l’uso di sim­bo­li nazi­ona­li, e in modo par­ti­co­la­re del­la ban­di­era, da par­te dell’artista. L’idea è di con­fron­ta­re le visi­oni e gli atteg­gi­amen­ti per­so­na­li su un sim­bo­lo “sacro” come la ban­di­era e para­go­na­re i lavo­ri pro­ve­ni­en­ti da cul­tu­re diverse.

Accanto ai lavo­ri di Bojan Šumonja e Rajko Radovanović, cura­to­re del­la mos­tra, saran­no alles­ti­ti i lavo­ri di Z. Behl, Derek Boshier, Mel Chin, Srđan Lončar, Generic Art Solution, Adrian Price, Minka Stoyanova, Lala Raščić, Siobhan Feehan, Christy Rupp, Chris Sauced, Robert Hannant e Dan Tague.