Izložba “Swimming pool” u Višnjanu|Exhibition „Swimming pool“ in Višnjan|
Ove subote, 27. studenog 2010. godine, otvorena je izložba “Swimming pool” koju je činio spoj performans, fotografije, dizajna i slikanja, po ideji riječanina Damira Čargonje, a u ostvarenju dvadesetak koautora.
Željko Bobanović prikazao je ciklus fotografija snimljenih bazena uz kuće u istarskom krajoliku.
Damir Čargonja popunio je drugu prostoriju uokvirenim papirom za umatanje s obrisima plavog delfina, nastalim u riječkoj tvornici papira.
Akvarel pod nazivom “Swimming pool” naslikala je Tajči Čekada, a posljednji dio izložbe bio je videorad u kojem Čekada pliva u bazenu, popraćen glazvom Josipa Maršića i benda Gori Ussi Winnetou.
Branko Cerovac govorio je o relacijama obrta i umjetnosti, citirajući teoretičare i relativizirajući proces nastanka i sadržaj umjetničkog djela do jedva podnošljive granice.
Izložbu u višnjanskoj galeriji Cerovac je naslovio “Delfinov skok”, metaforički pokušavajući povezati skok iz industrijskog dizajna i marketinga u područje čiste umjetnosti.
The exhibition titled „Swimming pool“ was opened on November 27. The opening was a combination of a performance, photography event, design and painting, ideated by Damir Čargonja from Rijeka and carried out by around 20 authors.
Željko Bobanović presented his cycle of photographs of pools, which are situated beside houses in the Istrian landscape.
Damir Čargonja filled the other room with framed wrapping paper with prints of blue dolphins, which was produced in the Rijeka paper factory.
Tajči Čekada created the watercolour painting „Swimming pool“, while the closing act of the event was the video featuring Čekada swimming in a pool. The video was accompanied by the music of Josip Maršić and the band Gori Ussi Winetou.
Branko Cerovac talked about the relations between arts and crafts. He quoted different theoreticians, relativising thus the process of creation and the content of a work of art to the barely tolerable extent. Cerovac titled the exhibition at the Višnjan gallery „Delfinov skok“ (Dolphin’s leap), in the attempt to metaforically connect industrial design and marketing with the realm of pure art.
I zvor: http://www.glasistre.hr/kultura/vijest/289279
Foto: http://www.vecernji.hr/kultura/carli-swimming-pool-galeriji-visnjanu-subotu-27-studenoga-clanak-220487