Koncert Art Knockout‑a u Puli|Art Knockout in Pula|Il concerto degli Art Knockout a Pola


Vrijeme: 15. sije­čanj 2011.

Mjesto: Cafe bar Mimoza, Pula

Time: January 15, 2011

Place: Mimoza, Pula

Data: 15 gen­na­io 2011

Luogo: Caffé bar Mimoza, Pola


Dana 15. siječ­nja 2011. s počet­kom u 20:00 sati, riječ­ki bend Art Knockout nas­tu­pi­ti će u caf­fe baru Mimoza u Puli. Riječ je o ben­du koji je nas­tao u pro­sin­cu 2002. za vri­je­me stu­di­ja čla­no­va ben­da. Intenzivnije poči­nju sa svir­ka­ma te nas­tu­pi­ma na mno­gim biker fes­ti­va­li­ma i rock klu­bo­vi­ma po Istri i Primorsko-goran­skoj župa­ni­ji. Orijentirali su na hard rock i heavy metal muzi­ku. U počet­ku svi­ra­li su obra­de dru­gih ben­do­va poput: Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Whitesnake, Queen, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Skid Row, Motorhead, Metallica i osta­lo. Godine 2007. poči­nju radi­ti i na autor­skom mate­ri­ja­lu, do sada sni­mi­li su demo “Break The Chains”. Pored toga, dje­lu­ju i kao Judas Priest tri­bu­te band. Više o kon­cert­nom pro­gra­mu cafe bara Mimoza pogle­daj­te kli­kom na Više…

On January 15, at 8 p.m., café Mimoza in Pula will host the con­cert of Art Knockout, the band from Rijeka. The band was foun­ded in December 2002, whi­le the mem­bers were still studying. They star­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te more regu­lar­ly in biker fes­ti­vals and to per­form in rock clubs in Istria and Primorsko-goran­ska Region. Art Knockout are ori­en­ted toward hard rock and heavy metal music. In the begin­ning they played covers of ban­ds such as Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Whitesnake, Queen, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Skid Row, Motorhead, Metallica and others. In 2007 they star­ted to work on the­ir own mate­ri­al. They rele­ased one demo track titled „Break the Chains“.  Art Knockout also acts as a Judas Priest Tribute band. To find out more abo­ut the con­cet pro­gram of Café Mimoza, click More…

Sabato, 15 gen­na­io 2011, nel caf­fé bar Mimoza di Pola alle ore 20:00 si esi­birà il grup­po musi­ca­le Art Knockout. La band è com­pos­ta da musi­cis­ti di Fiume che han­no ini­zi­ato a suona­re insi­eme nel dicem­bre del 2002. Principalmente si esi­bi­va­no duran­te i radu­ni dei moto­ci­clis­ti (bikers) o nei rock club del­la regi­one Istriana e Litoraneo-Montana.

Gli Art Knockout sono un grup­po che suona il gene­re hard rock e heavy metal, basan­do­si sul­le covers di cele­bri grup­pi musi­ca­li come: Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Whitesnake, Queen, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Skid Row, Motorhead, Metallica e altri. Dal 2007 han­no ini­zi­ato a lavo­ra­re sul­la regis­tra­zi­one di bra­ni ine­di­ti, pro­du­cen­do il demo “Break The Chains”. Oltre a ques­to, sono conos­ci­uti per esse­re il “tri­bu­te band” dei Judas Priest.

Più infor­ma­zi­oni rigu­ar­dan­ti il pro­gram­ma con­cer­tis­ti­co del caf­fé bar Mimoza sono dis­po­ni­bi­li clic­can­do su Continua…

Raspored doga­đa­nja za sije­čanj 2011.

13.1. Joy Division/Sisters Of Mercy slušaonica
15.1. Art Knockout (Rijeka) – Hard rock/heavy
20.1. Johnny Cash slušaonica
22.1. Godsbane (Crikvenica) – MetaL
27.1. Nine Inch Nails slušaonica
29.1. TutanKhamon Space Machine (Pula) – Rock

Fotografija je pre­uze­ta s: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782?v=wall#!/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782

Program for January:

January 13 – playing the son­gs of Joy Division/Sisters Of Mercy
January 15 – Art Knockout (Rijeka) – Hard rock/heavy
January 20 –  playing the son­gs of Johnny Cash

January 22 – Godsbane (Crikvenica) – MetaL
January 27 – playing the son­gs of Nine Inch Nails
January 29 – TutanKhamon Space Machine (Pula) – Rock

Photo: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782?v=wall#!/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782

Programma degli even­ti che si ter­ran­no duran­te il mese di gen­na­io 2011:
13.1. Serata musi­ca­le dedi­ca­ta a: Joy Division/Sisters Of Mercy
15.1. Art Knockout (Fiume) – Hard rock/heavy

20.1. Serata musi­ca­le dedi­ca­ta a Johnny Cash
22.1. Godsbane (Cirquenizza) – MetaL
27.1. Serata musi­ca­le dedi­ca­ta ai Nine Inch Nails
29.1. TutanKhamon Space Machine (Pola) – Rock

Foto: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782?v=wall#!/pages/ART-KNOCKOUT/188311945782