6. Parkfest u Novigradu|The 6th Parkfest in Novigrad|


Vrijeme: 1. i 2. srpanj 2011.

Mjesto: Novigrad

Time: July  1, July 2, 2011

Place: Novigrad


Dana 1. i 2. srp­nja 2011. u Novigradu odr­ža­ti će se Parkfest. Već šes­tu godi­nu za redom u taj grad dono­si niz kon­ce­ra­ta. Riječ je o fes­ti­va­lu koji su pokre­nu­li čla­no­vi udru­ge mla­dih “Sidro” c ciljem pro­mo­ci­je glaz­be­ni­ka, likov­nja­ka, knji­žev­ni­ka, per­for­me­ra i fil­ma­ša. U petak će na novu atrak­tiv­nu pozor­ni­cu u obli­ku geodet­ske kupo­le sta­ti TBF koji­će pred­sta­vi­ti novi album “Pistaccio Metallic”, zatim Splićani – Zinedine Zidane te Thin pro­gress (Novigrad/Poreč) koji izvo­de autor­ske ins­tru­men­ta­le s ele­men­ti­ma roc­ka, blu­esa, fun­ka i pri­mje­sa­ma istar­skog melo­sa. Večer će zaklju­či­ti ska-punk-reg­gae band Cirkus. Subota je rezer­vi­ra­na za Psihomodo popPadre (Father). Uz njih će okup­lje­ne raz­dr­ma­ti ener­gič­ni punk roc­ke­ri Tito’s bojs (Poreč/Rovinj) i roc­ke­ri Baltazar. Cijeli fes­ti­val zači­ni­ti će zvuč­na ins­ta­la­ci­ja novi­grad­ske umjet­ni­ce s milan­skom adre­som D i riječ­ki bend raga­ne Sapanjoš.

On July 1 and July 2 Novigrad will host Parkfest, the 6th edi­ti­on of the fes­ti­val which brin­gs to the city a seri­es of con­certs. The fes­ti­val was laun­c­hed by the youth asso­ci­ati­on Sidro, with the aim to pro­mo­te musi­ci­ans, visu­al artis­ts, wri­ters, per­for­mers and film artis­ts. Friday nig­ht will be reser­ved for TBF and the pro­mo­ti­on of the­ir latest album titled „Pistaccio Metallic“, Zinedine Zidane from Split and Thin Progress (Novigrad/ Poreč), who will pre­sent the­ir aut­ho­ri­al ins­tru­men­tal wor­ks with ele­ments of rock, blu­es, funk and Istrian melo­di­es, and the ska-punk-reg­gae band Cirkus. On Saturday, the visi­tors will have the oppor­tu­nity to see Psihomodo pop, Padre (Father), punk roc­kers Tito’s bojs (Poreč/Rovinj) and Baltazar. The enti­re fes­ti­val will be accom­pa­ni­ed by the sound ins­tal­la­ti­on of Dragana Sapanjoš, the local artist who cur­ren­tly lives in Milan.