6. Parkfest u Novigradu|The 6th Parkfest in Novigrad|
Vrijeme: 1. i 2. srpanj 2011.
Mjesto: Novigrad
Time: July 1, July 2, 2011
Place: Novigrad
Dana 1. i 2. srpnja 2011. u Novigradu održati će se Parkfest. Već šestu godinu za redom u taj grad donosi niz koncerata. Riječ je o festivalu koji su pokrenuli članovi udruge mladih “Sidro” c ciljem promocije glazbenika, likovnjaka, književnika, performera i filmaša. U petak će na novu atraktivnu pozornicu u obliku geodetske kupole stati TBF kojiće predstaviti novi album “Pistaccio Metallic”, zatim Splićani – Zinedine Zidane te Thin progress (Novigrad/Poreč) koji izvode autorske instrumentale s elementima rocka, bluesa, funka i primjesama istarskog melosa. Večer će zaključiti ska-punk-reggae band Cirkus. Subota je rezervirana za Psihomodo popPadre (Father). Uz njih će okupljene razdrmati energični punk rockeri Tito’s bojs (Poreč/Rovinj) i rockeri Baltazar. Cijeli festival začiniti će zvučna instalacija novigradske umjetnice s milanskom adresom D i riječki bend ragane Sapanjoš.
On July 1 and July 2 Novigrad will host Parkfest, the 6th edition of the festival which brings to the city a series of concerts. The festival was launched by the youth association Sidro, with the aim to promote musicians, visual artists, writers, performers and film artists. Friday night will be reserved for TBF and the promotion of their latest album titled „Pistaccio Metallic“, Zinedine Zidane from Split and Thin Progress (Novigrad/ Poreč), who will present their authorial instrumental works with elements of rock, blues, funk and Istrian melodies, and the ska-punk-reggae band Cirkus. On Saturday, the visitors will have the opportunity to see Psihomodo pop, Padre (Father), punk rockers Tito’s bojs (Poreč/Rovinj) and Baltazar. The entire festival will be accompanied by the sound installation of Dragana Sapanjoš, the local artist who currently lives in Milan.