Predstavljanje knjige Igora Dude u Puli|Presentation of the book by Igor Duda in Pula|


Vrijeme: 11. pro­si­nac 2010.
Mjesto: Pula, Koncertna dvo­ra­na Doma hrvat­skih branitelja

Time: December 11, 2010

Place: Pula, Concert Hall of the House of Croatian Defenders


Dana 11. pro­sin­ca 2010. godi­ne s počet­kom u 19:00 sati, odr­žat će se pred­stav­lja­nje knj­ge pod nazi­vom “Pronađeno bla­gos­ta­nje: sva­kod­nev­ni život i potro­šač­ka kul­tu­ra u Hrvatskoj 1970-ih i 1980-ih” Igora Dude.

Knjigu će uz samog auto­ra pred­sta­vi­ti i Tvrtko Jakovina, Damir Agičić i Srećko Horvat.
U knji­zi se opi­su­je sva­kod­nev­ni život potro­ša­ča sedam­de­se­tih i osam­de­se­tih godi­na XX. sto­lje­ća, nji­ho­ve želje za novim i suvre­me­nim, odnos ponu­de i potraž­nje te dos­tig­nu­ta razi­na život­no­ga standarda.

On December 11, at 7 p.m., the House of Croatian Defenders in Pula will host the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the book „Pronađeno bla­gos­ta­nje: sva­kod­nev­ni život i potro­šač­ka kul­tu­ra u Hrvatskoj 1970-ih i 1980-ih“ (The found wel­l­be­ing: everyday life and con­su­mer cul­tu­re in Croatia during the 1970’s and 1980’s) by Igor Duda.

Beside the aut­hor him­self, the book will be pre­sen­ted by Tvrtko Jakovina, Damir Agičić and Srećko Horvat.

The work illus­tra­tes the everyday life of the con­su­mers during the 1970’s and 1980’s, the­ir year­nin­gs for the new and the modern and stu­di­es the rela­ti­on betwe­en demand and supply.


Source: http://ipd-ssi-hr
