Metazin – emisija o civilnom društvu, nezavisnoj kulturi i kulturi mladih|Metazin – programme on civil society, independent culture and youth culture|


Vrijeme: 07. stu­de­ni 2010.


U emi­si­ji Metazin, ove nedje­lje 07. stu­de­nog 2010. s počet­kom u 19:00 sati na valo­vi­ma Radio Pule, pred­sta­vit će se Udruga GROZGI i pro­gram klu­ba za mla­de Gradske radi­oni­ce iz Pule, glaz­be­na kom­pi­la­ci­ja “Made in Rojc 03”, a u gos­te dola­ze i čla­no­vi Udruge Sonitus i čla­no­vi glaz­be­nih sas­ta­va koji se nala­ze na kompilaciji.
Od 20:40 do 21:15 – Urbani korak – emi­si­ja o hip hop kul­tu­ri i rap glazbi
Od 21:15 do 22:00 – King Shango – “Pulap reg­gae station”
Od 22:30 do 24:00 – Rezonanca – emi­si­ja o elek­tron­skoj glaz­bi, ure­đu­je Dj Marino

On Sunday, November 11, at 7 p.m., wit­hin the fra­mework of Metazin, a bro­ad­cast of Radio Pula, the GROZGI Association and Town Workshop from Pula will pre­sent the­ir pro­grams. The audi­en­ce will also beco­me acqu­ain­ted with the com­pi­la­ti­on „Made in Rojc 03“. The gues­ts of the bro­ad­cast are mem­bers of the Sonitus Association and mem­bers of the ban­ds which par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the making of the compilation.


20:40 – 21:15 – Urbani korak / Urban step – hip hop cul­tu­re and rap music
21:15 – 22:00 – King Shango – “Pulap reg­gae station”
22:30 – 24:00 – Rezonanca – bro­ad­cast on elec­tro music, pre­sen­ted by DJ Marino
