Predstavljen je program festivala Media Mediterranea|Media Mediterranea 13|


Vrijeme: od 25. do 30. srp­nja 2011.

Mjesto: Pula


U klu­bu Metamedia, Gajeva 3, odr­ža­na je kon­fe­ren­ci­ja za novi­na­re povo­dom pred­stav­lja­nja pro­gra­ma ovo­go­diš­njeg tri­na­es­tog po redu fes­ti­va­la Media Mediterranea. Uz krat­ki uvod koor­di­na­to­ra pro­jek­ta Marina Jurcana, pro­gram koji zapo­či­nje 25. pa do 30. srp­nja 2011., pred­sta­vi­li su i čla­no­vi orga­ni­za­cij­skog tima tes­ti­va­la, Marko Bolković, Maja Iskra i Neven Kacun. Tema ovo­go­diš­njeg izda­nja je: “Pula – kre­ativ­ni grad”.

U pone­dje­ljak (25. srp­nja) pre­da­vač Goran Kovačević odr­žat će u klu­bu Metamedia napred­nu radi­oni­cu “Snimaj”, s počet­kom u 19 sati. Radionica je zatvo­re­nog tipa, odnos­no, nami­je­nje­na je polaz­ni­ci­ma koji su tokom godi­ne poha­đa­li teorij­ski i prak­tič­ni dio iste. U uto­rak 26. srp­nja s počet­kom u 21sat, na loka­ci­ji Foruma 13 odr­žat će se otvo­re­nje izlož­be “Moj grad-moj dizajn”, ostva­re­noj u surad­nji sa Školom pri­mi­je­ne­nih umjet­nos­ti i dizaj­na Pula. Panel disku­si­ja s temom “Mladi u lokal­nim kul­tur­nim poli­ti­ka­ma”, odr­žat će se u sri­je­du 27. srp­nja s počet­kom u 11 sati. Gostuju: Vladimir Torbica, Branka Benčić, Marino Jurcan i Slavica Čurković, a otvo­re­na je za sve zain­te­re­si­ra­ne posjetitelje.Više o fes­ti­va­lu saz­naj­te kli­kom na Više…

Metamedia Club, 3 Gajeva Street, hos­ted the press con­fe­ren­ce orga­ni­zed in order to pre­sent the pro­gram of the 13th Media Mediterranea Festival, which will take pla­ce from July 25 to July 30, 2011. The intro­duc­ti­on was deli­ve­red by pro­ject coor­di­na­tor Marino Jurcan and the pro­gram of the fes­ti­val was pre­sen­ted by the mem­bers of the orga­ni­za­ti­on team: Marko Bolković, Maja Iskra, Neven Kacun. This year’s the­me of the fes­ti­val is „Pula – Creative City“.

On Monday (July 25) Goran Kovačević will host the advan­ced wor­k­shop Snimaj/Record, at Metamedia Club. The wor­k­shop is inten­ded for the par­ti­ci­pants of the the­ore­ti­cal part of the pro­gram, which took pla­ce ear­li­er this year. On July 26, at 9 p.m., 13 Forum Square will host the ope­ning of the exhi­bi­ti­on „My city – my design“, which was orga­ni­zed in coope­ra­ti­on with the School of Applied Arts and Design Pula. The panel dis­cu­ssi­on „Youth in local cul­tu­ral poli­ci­es“ will take pla­ce on July 27, at 11 a.m. Guests: Vladimir Torbica, Branka Benčić, Marino Jurcan and Slavica Čurković. To find out more abo­ut the fes­ti­val, click More…

“Friški rit­mo­vi i žen­ske rime” nazvan je pro­gram čet­vrt­ka 28. srp­nja koji je posve­ćen Hip Hop i Breakdance nas­tu­pi­ma. Uz nas­tup repe­ri­ca Nine Davis, Mc Killah i Mc Sister, u bre­ak­dan­ce dije­lu pro­gra­ma nas­tu­pa­ju i ples­ne sku­pi­ne AB Original iz Pule i Saltatrix iz Vodnjana.

U petak 29. Srpnja u dvo­ri­štu Karlo Rojca, odr­žat će se kon­cert “Made in Rojc”, gdje će nas­tu­pi­ti mla­di lokal­ni talen­ti: Reanimacija, TutanKhamon Space Machine, Newtone, Rabbia e dis­pe­ra­zi­one, Mortal Divinity, Gedore, Mad Face te gos­ti s proš­lo­go­diš­nje radi­oni­ce NoiseFight. Specijalni gos­ti veče­ri bit će Popeye, a tije­kom kon­ce­ra bit će sni­ma­ni i video spo­to­vi ben­do­va pod vod­stvom Vibora Juhasa.

Na zavr­š­nom dije­lu fes­ti­va­la, u subo­tu 30. srp­nja, na loka­ci­ji kupa­li­šta Stoja odr­žat će se mod­ni per­for­man­ce “Illuminated Boulevard” pre­zen­ta­ci­jom mod­nih dizaj­ne­ra Pule i lig­ht per­for­man­ce­om uz podr­šku Audiolaba, a putem štan­do­va, pul­ski i regi­onal­ni auto­ri pred­sta­vit će se svo­jim ruč­no rađe­nim nakitom.

On July 28 visi­tors will have the oppor­tu­nity to see the pro­gram titled „Fresh Rhymes and Female Rhymes“, dedi­ca­ted to hip hop and bre­ak­dan­ce per­for­man­ces (per­for­mers: Nina Davis, MC Killah, Mc Sister, AB Original, Saltatrix).

On Friday, July 29, Karlo Rojc Barracks will host the con­cert „Made in Rojc“, which will intro­du­ce young local talents: Reanimacija, TutanKhamon Space Machine, Newtone, Rabbia e dis­pe­ra­zi­one, Mortal Divinity, Gedore, Mad Face and gues­ts from the last year’s wor­k­shop NoiseFight. Special gues­ts of the eve­ning are Popeye. Under the guidan­ce of Vibor Juhas vide­os of the ban­ds will be made during the concert.

Presentation of fashi­on desig­ners from Pula at Stoja Public Beach will con­clu­de the fes­ti­val. The vari­ega­ted pro­gram inclu­des lig­ht per­for­man­ce with the sup­port of Audiolab, stan­ds with aut­ho­ri­al and hand-made jewel­lery of local and regi­onal authors.